How To Get A Cat In A Carrier


It’s time to put your cat into the carrier for a routine wellness check or prepare her to visit a vet shop. But putting your kitty in the carrier is not as easy as we think. Sometimes, it seems like you’re wrestling with her. 

This is a common phenomenon for most cat owners. Cats easily become scared or anxious, so they try to escape from getting into a shuttered place. That is why many cat parents are wondering about how to get a cat in a carrier

If you’re one of those cat owners who are facing difficulties putting their cat in the carrier, read through our article. Here, we’re going to present some effective ways and useful tips to get your naughty cat in a carrier. 

How to Get A Cat in A Carrier

Maybe you can get your cat inside the carrier by force, but there is a risk of being injured. Moreover, this will give your cat a horrible experience, and you might face more difficulty in the future. 

As a gentle and caring cat owner, you might not welcome this type of situation at all. That is why you have to follow some strategies to get your cat in the carrier without any hassle. So, let’s have a look at the steps mentioned below. 

Make the carrier a familiar place to your kitty

As we mentioned in the beginning, cats easily become nervous or scared. It becomes more prominent when you’re trying to keep them in an unfamiliar place. So, make the carrier a familiar place to your act at first.

If you can turn the carrier into a den, this could be the best way to familiarize the carrier. It comes easier when your carrier either has a removable top or a splitting facility. Incorporating a carrier into your cat’s daily routine will help to keep her free from being scared. 

You can place your cat’s favorite blanket that will make her feel she has got a snoozing spot. Another effective trick is placing a toy or treats inside the carrier and then opening and closing the lid repeatedly to pretend as if she is going to get her reward. 

Choose and prepare the carrier wisely

Even if you have picked the best cat carrier, it is not obvious that the carrier will work for your furry friend. Let me explain, you have to choose a carrier that works for your cat. There are tons of cat carriers available in the market, and all cats don’t have the same characteristics. So you have to be more cautious. 

First up, make sure the carrier has enough space to allow your kitty to turn around or move inside the carrier easily. A carrier with a top entry is always a good choice. Most importantly, you have to ensure that the carrier is enough safe and secure. Where your kitten will remain safe and can’t escape from. 

The very next thing is preparing the carrier to ensure that your cat won’t face any difficulty. For this, you have to clean the carrier properly before you keep your kitty inside. Alongside, you can use a towel or blanket to line the carrier. It will help your kitty to feel more relaxed. At the same time, may absorb any uncertain accident. 

It’s always wise to spray the carrier at least 20 minutes before you put your cat inside the carrier. You can also use pheromone spray that will keep your kitty calm. 

Place the carrier in a proper location

Before you’re trying to put your cat in the carrier, you should place it in an area that is familiar to your cat. Some people may overlook this trick, yet we found it’s quite effective. Technically, it helps to make your kitty feel more comfortable and brings a positive attitude to the carrier. 

Avoid chasing your kitten

Chasing behind a cat is a common scenario among new cat owners. But the reality is, cats are too much agile, and chasing makes them even more scared. If you have already chased your cat several times, this might be clear to you why you can’t get your cat in the carrier.  

So, never chase the cat and be as gentle as it’s possible. Chasing your cat is not only harmful in sense of failure in putting them in the carrier, but also it can make them injured unexpectedly. 

Put your kitty in the carrier

As you have prepared the carrier and chosen the perfect place, it’s time to put your furry baby inside the carrier. However, there are two techniques to get a cat in a carrier, which are:

  • Headfirst 
  • Bottom first


Before you’re approaching this technique, make sure the door is open, and you can just move right after the job is done. To put your cat inside the carrier through this technique, follow these steps:

  • Place your hand behind the front legs(chest) and another hand to support her back. 
  • Be confident and quiet. You should perform the job as smoothly as you can. So, don’t rush and move her head inside the carrier slowly. 
  • When the head of your act is inside the carrier, push her bottom side forward gently. 
  • Then close the door immediately. 

Bottom first

You might have already understood the basics of the bottom-first technique. This is most suitable for calm and friendly cats. So, if you have a friendly cat, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • At first, place the carrier at a low angled position. Make sure it is facing upward and there is at least 2-3 inches gap between the carrier and ground. 
  • Of course, you have to keep the door open. Then pick your cat and hold her bum and chest with your two hands. 
  • Lower your hand slowly and put the bottom inside the carrier first. Now shut the door up. Before you leave, don’t forget to check whether the door is locked properly. 

Lift the carrier slowly

Yes, you just have done the job, but that doesn’t mean it’s over. Actually, you have to be careful after putting your cat inside the carrier as it will determine how they will react next time. 

Cats love to stay in their own control, but when you lift them off the ground, they start feeling stressed. So, move slowly as you can and let them feel as relaxed as they are on the ground. You can talk to your cat or give her some tasty treats again. This will divert her mode. 

What If You Have Two Cats and They’re Being Aggressive Toward Each Other?

If you have two cats, it’s likely to be aggressive toward each other. Even though they behave like blossom friends and play around your home all day long, suddenly they become aggressive, it may seem quite surprising, right?

Actually, this could be the effect of their own nervous situation. If you can make the place familiar to both of your cats, they might remain calm as their own. However, if you still notice aggression, try to make separate rooms. 

Final Words

Cats see us as parents, so it’s our duty to give them as much affection and care as they deserve. You have already learned about how to get a cat in a carrier. Now it’s time to try on your own. Don’t skip any of the strategies and tips mentioned above. 

3 responses to “How To Get A Cat In A Carrier

  1. […] you have maintained all the things mentioned above, it’s time to put your cat into the carrier. There are two popular techniques to get an unwilling cat in the carrier. These […]

  2. […] you have completed all the previous steps, proceed to put the cat into the carrier. Nevertheless, there are several methods to put a cat in a carrier, you have to choose one that […]

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