How to Get an Aggressive Cat into a Carrier


Does your sweet little kitty turn into an aggressive wrestler when it’s time to put her into a carrier? Don’t be surprised, this is habitual for any cat. Is there anyone who wants to be imprisoned? Of course, no one. 

At first look, cats consider a carrier like nothing but a prison. That is why most cats hate carriers, which results in their aggressive behavior. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give up. 

You can put your aggressive cat in a carrier by your strategic approach. Therefore, we have come up with some effective strategies or methods, that might help you to put your cat into the carrier. So, if you’re worried about how to get an aggressive cat into a carrier, read through our article. 

How aggressive is your cat?

Being aggressive is a natural trait of cats. However, the aggression is not similar in all, and also it depends on the situation when they become aggressive. In most cases, we can’t assign the exact reason why our cats are aggressive. 

Whilst, some cats show their aggression by certain physical traits like ears flattened backward, erected tail with hairs raised, dilated pupils are the common signs. If you notice any of these signs, don’t approach your cat. 

When your cat has already become aggressive, it will be almost an impossible task to put her in the carrier. So, it’s better to try something that will make her calm. 

Prepare Yourself

While you’re dealing with an aggressive, it’s most important to secure yourself first. It won’t be surprising if your cute little buddy bites you or scratches you while she is angry. So, wrap your hand with a thick cloth or wear gloves before approaching an angry cat. 

How to Calm an Aggressive Cat

First up, if you have multiple cats, that could lead to aggression among them. So, it’s better to segregate them. Most importantly, don’t make the mistake of placing two non-neuter male cats in the same room. 

Draw your cat’s attention with gentle sounds. You can also use pheromones to calm your cat. Besides, providing their favorite treats can also be an effective way. Most importantly, you have to make her realize that she has got a safe environment to stay in and there is no enemy or predator. 

How to Get an Aggressive Cat into a Carrier

Cats see us as their parents, so you need to be careful about your little furry buddy as you do for babies. So, your kitty can be aggressive, that doesn’t mean you will be fed up. You have to be diplomatic to handle an aggressive cat. Here we’re going to mention some efficacious tricks and tips that will help you to get your cat in the carrier. Check them out thoroughly. 

A Good Carrier can be the Game Changer

Do you know the carrier of your cat can make a huge difference? The carrier will determine the overall experience of your cat. So, you have to be cautious while choosing a carrier. 

First up, make sure there is enough space inside the carrier where your kitty can play or move around. Besides, a small carrier is more likely to make your cat scared.

A carrier with a top entry is always a good choice. Most importantly, you have to ensure that the carrier is enough safe and secure. Where your kitten will remain safe and can’t escape from. 

Some plastic carriers can be smelly or sometimes if the carrier remains stored for a long time can bear a dusty smell, which is not good for cats at all. Hence, make sure there is no bad smell. 

Prepare the Carrier 

You just have picked the right carrier for your kitten, now it’s time to prepare the carrier. Preparing the carrier beforehand is more crucial if you have a spooky cat, and it helps to acclimate your cat to the carrier quickly.  

When you provoke them to enter a carrier, she considers the place nothing but an unknown territory. She starts thinking this is a trap where a predator is waiting for her. So, start preparing the carrier through the following steps:

  • One of the most important things you need to do is clean the carrier properly. So, wash the carrier about 1-2 weeks before your trip. 
  • Spraying pheromones inside the carrier can hugely change the mood and behavior of your cat. It helps to keep the cat calm during your journey. This is a proven way to control anxious and stressed cats. 

Make the Carrier Familiar to Your Cat

No matter what type of cat you have, the first and foremost duty is acclimating your cat to the carrier. In simple words, this is the way to make the carrier a familiar place to the cat. This will help your cat to enjoy the space and feel relaxed. 

So, your primary objective is to make the carrier a part of her daily life. For this, you can place her favorite blanket inside the carrier. If your cat has cat carrier anxiety, you can remove the top. However, the carrier should have this advantage. We’ll talk about this in the next point. 

Well, you can also put some treats inside the carrier that will attract her. In case your cat doesn’t want to get in the carrier, try to keep her favorite foods in front of the carrier’s door. Gradually, she will start feeling comfortable. You can also place her favorite toys inside the carrier as well. 

Put the Cat in the Carrier

Once you have completed all the previous steps, proceed to put the cat into the carrier. Nevertheless, there are several methods to put a cat in a carrier, you have to choose one that suits your cat or seems convenient to you. Here are some of the most effective ways to get a cat in the carrier. 

Towel Wrapping Method

Towel wrapping is one of the most effective ways to deal with an aggressive cat. In this method, you have to wrap the cat like a burrito using a towel and put her in the carrier. 

Cats have almost zero concentration on their surroundings while eating. Sometimes they close their eyes when they chew big chunks. So, it’s better to approach this method while she is eating.

No matter, your cat is angry or timid, this method is equally efficient in both cases. However, you have to wrap your cat in such a way that doesn’t interrupt breathability. 

Pillowcase Method

Another great tactic to put a cat in the carrier is the pillowcase method. As the name suggests, you’ll need a pillowcase to tackle your aggressive cat. The first thing you have to do in this method is to approach your cat inside the pillowcase. 

When she is inside the case, pick it up and place it inside the carrier. Like, the previous one, you have to ensure that she is breathing properly. 

Use a Laser Pointer

Have you ever seen your act running behind laser light? Yes, this is a tricky way to get your cat in the carrier. This method is so convenient that your cat, and you, won’t feel anything at all. All you need to do is draw her attention using the laser pointer and provoke her to go inside the carrier gradually. 

Treat Method

This universal truth about cats is that they love foods more than anything. SO, your cat is aggressive that doesn’t she will deny her treats. If you can prepare the carrier properly, this treat method might be the best method to get the cat in the carrier. Put some tasty treat inside the carrier, and see the magic. 

One response to “How to Get an Aggressive Cat into a Carrier

  1. […] Are you facing problem an aggressive cat put into a carrier ,In this article you can find great tips, How to Get an Aggressive Cat into a Carrier  […]

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