How to Get an Unwilling Cat into a Carrier


What was your experience when you need to take your kitty to a vet for the last time? As far we guess, it wasn’t pleasurable at all. Maybe that’s the reason why you’re here. Don’t worry, we won’t let happen that scenario again. 

We could hardly find a cat who gets into a carrier like an obedient baby. Actually, this is quite unnatural. In reality, cats just hate a carrier. Most importantly, they become nervous very easily. 

As a cat parent, you might not want to make your little kitty nervous or scared at all. That is the point where most cat owners face difficulty while putting their cats into a carrier. 

If you’re one of them and looking for the safest way to put your cat in the carrier, read through our article. Here, we’re going to present some effective ways how to get an unwilling cat into a carrier

How to Get an Unwilling Cat into a Carrier

When you’re handling a timid or unwilling cat to put in a carrier, it’s very plausible that your cat can be injured. Moreover, if your cat becomes scared by any chance, you’re surely going to face more difficulty next time you try to put her in the carrier.

That is why you need to follow some strategies to ensure that the cat has got in the carrier safely. Therefore, we have collected some of the most effective tips and strategies. Check them below.  

Acclimate Your Cat

No matter what type of cat you have, the first and foremost duty is acclimating your cat to the carrier. In simple words, this is the way to make the carrier a familiar place to the cat. This will help your cat to enjoy the space and feel relaxed. 

So, your primary objective is to make the carrier a part of her daily life. For this, you can place her favorite blanket inside the carrier. If your cat has cat carrier anxiety, you can remove the top. However, the carrier should have this advantage. We’ll talk about this in the next point. 

Well, you can also put some treats inside the carrier that will attract her. In case your cat doesn’t want to get in the carrier, try to keep her favorite foods in front of the carrier’s door. Gradually, she will start feeling comfortable. You can also place her favorite toys inside the carrier as well. 

Choose the Carrier Wisely

Do you know the carrier of your cat can make a huge difference? The carrier will determine the overall experience of your cat. So, you have to be cautious while choosing a carrier. 

First up, make sure there is enough space inside the carrier where your kitty can play or move around. Besides, a small carrier is more likely to make your cat scared.

A carrier with a top entry is always a good choice. Most importantly, you have to ensure that the carrier is enough safe and secure. Where your kitten will remain safe and can’t escape from. 

Prepare the Carrier in Advance

You just have picked the right carrier for your kitten, now it’s time to prepare the carrier. Preparing the carrier beforehand is more crucial if you have a spooky cat, and it helps to acclimate your cat to the carrier quickly.  

When you provoke them to enter a carrier, she considers the place nothing but an unknown territory. She starts thinking this is a trap where a predator is waiting for her. So, start preparing the carrier through the following steps:

Clean the carrier

One of the most important things you need to do is clean the carrier properly. So, wash the carrier about 1-2 weeks before your trip.  Some cat owners think a new carrier doesn’t need to be washed, but the scenario is completely opposite. 

New carriers, especially those are made from plastic, have a musty or chemical smell, which is not welcoming to any cat. So, either the carrier stored for a long time or you just have purchased it, you should wash it out thoroughly. 

Spray Pheromones inside the Carrier

Spraying pheromones inside the carrier can hugely change the mood and behavior of your cat. It helps to keep the cat calm during your journey. This is a proven way to control anxious and stressed cats. 

Place the carrier in a proper location

Before you’re trying to put your cat in the carrier, you should place it in an area that is familiar to your cat. Some people may overlook this trick, yet we found it’s quite effective. Technically, it helps to make your kitty feel more comfortable and brings a positive attitude to the carrier. 

Avoid chasing your kitten

Chasing behind a cat is a common scenario among new cat owners. But the reality is, cats are too much agile, and chasing makes them even more scared. If you have already chased your cat several times, this might be clear to you why you can’t get your cat in the carrier.  

So, never chase the cat and be as gentle as it’s possible. Chasing your cat is not only harmful in sense of failure in putting them in the carrier, but also it can make them injured unexpectedly. 

Putting the Cat in the Carrier

If you have maintained all the things mentioned above, it’s time to put your cat into the carrier. There are two popular techniques to get an unwilling cat in the carrier. These include:

  • Towel-Wrap Technique
  • Scruff-And-Drop Technique

Towel-Wrap Technique

Towel-Wrap Technique is one of the best methods to deal with a spooky cat. It causes little or even no harm to your cat. Follow the steps mentioned below to put your skittish cat inside the carrier in towel-wrap technique


If you have a fearful cat, it’s wise to start the process while she is eating. Cats have almost zero concentration on their surroundings while eating. Sometimes they close their eyes when they chew big chunks. 


Take your position slowly behind her back. This will help you to minimize the risk of being spotted. As you find the right moment, cover your act with the towel. Some experts may suggest throwing the towel on the cat. However, it’s not wise at all. 

You have to secure the towel from the sides by your hands. This will help your cat to stay calm. Most importantly, you have to ensure the towel is long enough to cover her head. 


Once you have covered the cat with the towel, move your one hand right on her belly and pick her up. Now place your cat inside the carrier slowly. Don’t forget to keep her head slightly, as it’s essential for breathing properly. 

Scruff-And-Drop Technique

In case, your cat is super timid, towel technique might not be appropriate for you. SO, it’s better to try the Scruff-And-Drop Technique

  • In this method, you have to keep the carrier facing forward while the door is completely open. 
  • Scruff the cat in the right moment, especially when she is eating like the previous method.  To scruff the cat, you have to place one hand right behind the ears of your cat. 
  • As you have got a complete grip, place your other hand on her belly. 
  • Now left the cat using the hand placed on her belly. Don’t ever try to lift your cat with the hand you used to scruff.
  • Slowly put the bottom side of your cat inside the carrier. 

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  1. […] Here is the article for the cat lover people who are finding the tips How to Get an Unwilling Cat into a Carrier  […]

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