How to Secure a Cat Carrier in the Car


Are you planning for a long-distance tour on the upcoming vacation with your lovely kitten? Your cat might not be as excited about the tour as you are. By the nature, most cats don’t like traveling. More precisely, they just hate to stay in any tight spot like the car or carriers. 

That is why cats become too stressed inside the carriers. If the carrier is not secured properly in a car during travel, it will make them even more anxious. So, when you’re traveling with your furry friend in a car, you have to be more careful about securing the carrier.

However, there are many people who are hesitant about how to secure a cat carrier in the car. If you’re one of them, this article is for you. Whether you’re going to a veterinary shop or want to travel far away from home, your cat and the carrier will remain secured till the end of your journey. 

How to Secure a Cat Carrier in the Car

Securing a cat carrier in the car means you’re ensuring the safety of your cat. At the same time keeping her calm and comfortable. That is why you have to be more cautious while traveling with your cat. Follow the sections mentioned below to keep your cat secure in the car. 

Choose a Sturdy Carrier

The first and foremost duty to secure a cat carrier in the car is choosing a carrier that’s sturdy enough. There are several types of cat carriers with diversified features available in the market.

However, the best option is a carrier with a metal frame or rigid plastic, as they’re much stronger than those soft carriers. Soft carriers or backpacks are not efficient in protecting cats during a collision due to the soft outer cover.

In case, any unexpected impact occurs, soft carriers are like to be smashed, or the seat belt can be loosened. On the other hand, hard carriers feature handles on the side and a hard outer shell that helps to keep the seat belt firmly placed and ensures a tight grip as well. 

For any type of carrier, we suggest placing a soft blanket inside the carrier to ensure the comfort of your cat. You also keep her favorite toys, and tasty treats to keep her entertained during the journey. 

Pick Seat Belts for Carrier

You shouldn’t be wondered to know that there are some specialized seat belts designed for pet carriers. This type of seat belt ensures firmer grip and enhanced support that keeps the carrier secure in any situation. 

Using a cat carrier seat belt will protect the carrier from distracting or jumping, no matter how rough the surface is. You have to anchor the belt with the seat properly, and it will keep the carrier more secure. Hence, your cat will feel more comfortable inside the car. 

Put the Carrier Wisely

So, where to put the cat carrier in a car? This might be the biggest concern so far. To ensure the highest security of the carrier, you have to put the carrier inside your car wisely.

Generally, there are two options we consider as the safest places to store the carrier. Depending on the carrier type, size, your car’s size, and type, the placement of the carrier can vary. However, these two positions are:

  • Backseat
  • Back Floor between the Two Seat


The backseat is the most commonly used space to keep the cat carrier.  The main reason behind people relies on this spot is it provides maximum safety. Keeping your cat in the backseat will protect your furry friend from both back and front collisions, as the backseat is situated right in the middle of the car. 

To ensure the maximum security of your cat, you can place the carrier in the center point. This could be effective to minimize the impact of side collisions. However, your carrier should be placed tightly. Otherwise, there is a strong chance to be ejected. So, make sure the carrier is secured properly by the seat belts. 

Back Floor between the Two Seat

Even though the backseat floor is not preferred by most cat owners, we found this place quite effective to protect the cat from all around. The main drawback of this position is the difficulty of securing the carrier, as the seat belt won’t reach that far. 

Luckily, you can overcome this difficulty by using pet carrier seat belts. If we compare this place with the backseat, the second one will remain one step ahead. However, there is no standard regulation in this case. 

Secure the Carrier Using Seat Belt

You might have got an idea about where to place the carrier and some basics as well. Now it’s time to discuss the most important portion. Once you have got your kitten inside the carrier, keep some tasty foods and toys near her. 

As the cat starts feeling relaxed and comfortable, lock the carrier. Check the carrier for the attached clips that should be sealed. After that, your cat might be safe inside the carrier. Now move on to secure the carrier. 

For this, use the car seat belt and secure the carrier with the seat. Lock the car seat belt vertically. Use an additional cat carrier seat belt and secure it through the loop horizontally. 

There is a clever trick that might help to hold the carrier even more strongly. Guess what? You have to lower down the front seat towards the carrier. As a result, the carrier won’t any chance to be shaken or moved either way. However, make sure there is enough room for the breathing of your cat. 

Cover the Carrier

This technique is used for keeping your cat calm and giving her a soothing environment. Covering the carrier is effective in several aspects, such as when traveling with your cat or shifting her to a completely new place. 

Cats are extremely sensitive to the change in their surrounding environment. Consequently, when you’re going to travel with your furry buddy, all-new scenarios will surely make him stressed and uncomfortable. 

In this case, covering the carrier with breathable fabric is the best solution. Must remember using breathable fabric. 

Be Careful about the Speed and Atmosphere Inside the Car 

When your cat stays at home, she doesn’t face different circumstances as in outside the home. For instance, if you park the car in the sun, the interior will be too hot. So, try to maintain a cool temperature. It’s better to park the car somewhere shady. This is most important in case your car doesn’t have an air conditioner. 

If your car has air conditioning, keep the temperature around 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. You should also maintain a calm environment, so don’t blast your car audio system with loud music. Most importantly, drive the car in a gentle manner. If you drive too aggressively, it will make your cat too stressed as well as the carrier will be less secure. 

Tips to Secure the Cat and the Carrier in the Car When Traveling

Here are some useful tips that you should bear in mind whenever going out with your cat in the car:

  • Limit movements as much as possible while traveling, even it’s for a shorter distance. 
  • Keep your cat carrier restrained
  • You can use pheromones to calm your kitty
  • Never force your cat to get inside the carrier
  • Try to avoid big bumps and potholes 
  • Communicate with your furry friend
  • While the is parked, don’t leave the cat unattended.

One response to “How to Secure a Cat Carrier in the Car

  1. […] When you are traveling with your cat, its need a cat carrier safety. In this article you can find tips How to Secure a Cat Carrier in the Car  […]

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